Decatur Therapist Spotlight: Kayla Burch, a Therapist Shaping Lives with Empathy and Life Experience

Meet Kayla Burch: A Decatur Therapist Blending Empathy and Experience to Change Lives

Today we will take a look into the world of therapy through the eyes of Kayla Burch, a dedicated Decatur therapist whose rich experiences extend beyond her hometown of Atlanta. This spotlight offers a glimpse into the life and work of a professional who seamlessly integrates her personal journey with her therapeutic approach. We will see how Kayla's story is not just about her professional achievements but the personal experiences and deep-seated values that shape her approach to therapy.

A Legacy of Compassion

Kayla's path to becoming a therapist in Decatur was paved with love and the desire to help others, traits instilled in her by her grandmother, a social worker who raised Kayla, her sister, her cousin, and several foster children. "I have so many of her mannerisms," Kayla reflects, recognizing the similarities in their approaches to caregiving. This familial influence, coupled with a history of jobs focused on helping people, was the cornerstone of Kayla's decision to pursue therapy as a career.

A Safe Space for New Mothers

Kayla's personal experiences with pregnancy and childbirth complications, which are particularly prevalent among Black mothers, make her a relatable anchor for many women. Her ability to offer a safe, understanding space stems from her own journey, making her support all the more authentic and heartfelt.

Kayla uses her own experiences and what she has learned as a parent of 4 children to help empower the mothers she works with so that they do not constantly feel burnt out or feel like they are losing themselves. Parenting, for Kayla, is a mixture of collaboration and shared responsibility, a principle she earnestly applies in her therapy, especially with mothers. 

The Essence of Empowerment and Self-Discovery

At the heart of Kayla's therapeutic practice is the belief in empowerment. She sees her role as equipping her clients with tools for independence, nurturing their ability to handle life's twists and turns long after therapy concludes. This belief is rooted in her own upbringing, where discussing problems outside the home was not accepted. However, after trying therapy herself, Kayla emerged as a staunch advocate for the transformative power of therapy. 

Kayla passionately advocates for therapy as a safe space for  self-discovery and healing. She encourages individuals to embrace therapy, not just as a means to solve problems but as a journey to understand oneself better.

Kayla encourages people who haven’t gone to therapy before to give it a try.  “Therapy is one of those things that you do not know how good it is until you try it,” shared Kayla. 

Kayla’s Love for Travel and Discovering New Places

While born and raised locally, Kayla's story is not confined to the borders of Atlanta. Her life's experiences have brought her to live in various cities, including Memphis, Miami, New Orleans, and New Jersey. Each city added to her understanding of people and cultures, enriching her approach to therapy with a wealth of diverse experiences.

Beyond Therapy: A Glimpse into Kayla's World

Away from her therapist's chair, one might find Kayla enjoying her favorite food, seafood, or watching her favorite movies, "Martin (Lawrence): You So Crazy" or "Money Talks" with Chris Tucker. Those who have the opportunity to meet Kayla are likely to find her relatable and down-to-earth. Additionally, her lighthearted sense of humor often leads to shared laughter.

In sum, Kayla Burch is more than just a therapist; she's a storyteller, a healer, a mother, a wife (of 8 years), and a beacon of hope. Her life, an intricate blend of personal experiences and professional dedication, makes her uniquely equipped to guide others through their journeys. In the world of therapy, Kayla stands out as a guiding light, showing the way with empathy, understanding, and a deep-seated desire to make a difference.

Are you looking for a new therapist? If you are in the Atlanta Metro Area, or anywhere in the state of Georgia for virtual sessions, you can schedule a consultation call with Kayla today!

Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be transformative, offering insights, growth, and healing. We at Aspen Grove Counseling and Wellness are here to support you every step of the way. If you have more questions or are ready to take the next step, please reach out. Your journey, your pace. We're here for you.

Click here to schedule your free 15-minute free phone consultation with one of our Decatur therapists.

Or give us a call at 770-954-5476, we’d be happy to hear what is happening and direct you to the right person to help.

At Aspen Grove Counseling and Wellness in Decatur some of our specialties include: anxiety therapy, grief and loss, depression therapy, couples therapy, substance abuse and addictions, counseling for college and graduate students, and pregnancy/postpartum therapy.


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