Finding a therapist in Decatur

Decatur, Georgia, is a wonderful place to live and work. Just six miles east of downtown Atlanta, we have great restaurants, shops, and nightlife. It’s the perfect place to head out with the family or for the adults to have a night out on town. However, just because Decatur is a great place, life still happens and sometimes you need some extra support. If you are looking to find a therapist or counselor in Decatur, we are here to help you find someone who would be a good fit.

We want to help you find a therapist in Decatur

Searching for a new therapist, even if you have been in therapy before, can feel overwhelming. Finding a therapist that has a style and personality that you feel comfortable with is really important. But how do you know that by looking at a website? Here are a few tips that can help to find the therapist or counselor that is going to be the best fit for you.

Tip #1: Look for a therapist that has expertise in what you are needing help with.

Therapists or counselors have different specializations and training. Take a look at the therapist’s website to make sure that they have experience woking with with type of struggles you are experiencing. This is also a great thing to ask about in an initial phone consultation. You can ask the therapist what their specializations are and if they have any specific training or credentials related to the help you are seeking.

You may also want to find a therapist that works with the demographic or community you are in. For example, some therapists work primarily with children, others with couples, others with new parents, etc. You can also ask a therapist if they have experience working with people in the LGBTQ+ community, or if they feel comfortable incorporating religion into therapy.

Not every therapist is going to be a good fit for every client. That’s okay. But asking some questions about the therapist will help you to find one that is right for you.

Tip #2: Schedule a free consultation before making your first appointment.

Many therapists offer an initial phone call before booking your initial therapy session. This phone call is a great time to get a sense of the therapist’s style and personality. Do you want a therapist who is soft and nurturing or a therapist that is blunt and straightforward? Trust your gut, do you feel at ease on the call?

Think of some questions before the call that you want to ask to get the most out of the time. The consultation call is also a good time to find out about if the therapist will see you online or in-person, how much therapy will cost, and what you can do to prepare for the first session.

Tip #3: If you are wanting to use your insurance, make sure that the therapist accepts your insurance plan.

Navigating insurance can be confusing. Some therapists are in-network with certain plans, other therapists are out-of-network. If you are wanting to get reimbursed for seeing an out-of-network therapist, check with your insurance plan to see what they will reimburse for. Some people are surprised when they find out they first have to reach a high deductible before their insurance will provide reimbursement. Most therapists that are out-of-network will provide you with a “superbill”, which is a receipt that you can use for insurance reimbursement.

Schedule a free therapy consultation in Decatur here.

We hope this helps you start to find the right therapist for you in Decatur. If you are still feeling unsure, feel free to call us at (770) 964-5476 for a free 15 minute phone consultation. We’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person.

At Aspen Grove Counseling and Wellness in Decatur some of our specialties include: anxiety therapy, depression therapy, couples therapy, and pregnancy/postpartum therapy.


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