Got a minute to strengthen your marriage?

It seems like every one is increasingly busy these days. There is so much that has to get done and so many places to get to. When life gets busy, couples can sometimes start to feel a bit out of touch with each other.

Couples often come to therapy because they feel disconnected with each other.

I want to share with you one of my favorite relationship resources. The best part is that it really only takes a minute of your time.

The Marriage Minute from the Gottman Institute drops helpful relationship advice to your inbox twice a week. The best part (obviously besides improving your relationship) is that the tips are quick. Seriously, we all have 60 seconds to improve our relationships, right? I thought so. The great thing about the marriage minute is that it is not just for married couples, the tips can help you strengthen any relationship you are in.

A while back I signed both me and my partner up for the emails. (He had to confirm them, but still, I think it was a pretty slick move). We’ve had a lot of fun with them! Sometimes we will forward the message to each other with a quick comment. Other times a message will spark us to plan a date night, or remind us to express appreciation for each other.

I often recommend that couples that I am seeing in therapy signup for the Marriage Minute as well! Give it a try! It really is the small things, done often, that strengthen a relationship.

If you are struggling and want to improve your relationship couples counseling can help. At Aspen Grove Counseling + Wellness in Decatur, Ga we offer both in-person and online therapy sessions for couples and individuals.

If you would like to talk to us about couples therapy, you can schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation here.

Our specialties include couples therapy, pregnancy and postpartum therapy, and therapy for anxiety and depression.


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