Making the Best of Motherhood: A Therapist’s Guide to Staying Calm in Chaos

In the whirlwind of being a mother to multiple children, chaos seems to be the norm rather than the exception. From demanding work schedules to unexpected personal challenges, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost amidst the turbulence. However, within the chaos, there lies a peaceful center—a place of calmness and clarity that we can access with the right mindset and strategies. As a therapist in Decatur, GA, and a mother of four, I've learned to find my own calm center amidst the chaos. In this blog post, I'll share the techniques I've found effective in maintaining serenity and resilience while navigating the challenges of parenting multiple children.

Embrace Acceptance

The first step in finding calm amidst chaos is acceptance. Acceptance doesn't mean resignation or passivity; rather, it involves acknowledging the reality of the situation without judgment or resistance. When faced with challenging circumstances whether it’s a sick child or managing different personalities (that our little people tend to exude), instead of fighting against them or wishing things were different, try to accept them as they are. Embracing acceptance allows you to preserve valuable energy that you can channel into more productive activities. 

Mindfulness is the Secret Ingredient You didn’t know you needed.

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for staying grounded in the present moment, regardless of external circumstances. By cultivating mindfulness through practices such as meditation, deep breathing, or simply paying attention to your surroundings, you can cultivate a sense of inner peace and clarity. When chaos threatens to overwhelm you, take a few moments to pause, breathe deeply, and center yourself in the present moment. This simple act can help you regain perspective and respond to challenges with greater clarity and composure. My go to is the Mindful Mamas app, this app addresses almost every category you can think of (short practices that can be done at any time of the day, emotions, motivation and even self-discovery...  the topics are unlimited) offering some in the moment assistance that is much needed for any stage of motherhood.

Practice Self-Care: You Deserve It!!!

Self-care is essential for maintaining your emotional and mental well-being, especially during times of chaos and uncertainty. Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's going for a walk-in nature, indulging in a favorite hobby, or spending quality time with loved ones, carve out time in your schedule to recharge and rejuvenate. Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish; it's a necessary investment in your overall health and resilience.

Cultivate Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and emerge stronger than before. Cultivating resilience involves developing coping skills, building a strong support network, and maintaining a positive outlook even in the face of challenges. Instead of viewing setbacks as unbeatable obstacles, see them as opportunities for growth and learning. By embracing resilience, you can navigate life's ups and downs with greater ease and confidence.

 Seek Perspective

In the midst of chaos, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Take a step back and seek perspective on the situation. Ask yourself: Will this matter a year from now? What lessons can I learn from this experience? By reframing challenges as opportunities for growth and seeing the bigger picture, you can develop a sense of perspective that helps you stay calm and focused amidst chaos.

At The End of The Day

Staying calm in chaos is not always easy, but it is possible with the right mindset and strategies. By embracing acceptance, cultivating mindfulness, practicing self-care, cultivating resilience, and seeking perspective, you can navigate life's storms with grace and resilience. Remember that you have the power to choose how you respond to challenging circumstances. Choose calmness, choose serenity, and choose to thrive amidst the chaos. There is help available for you individually, with your partner as couples, and as even as a family.

Embarking on a therapeutic journey can be transformative, offering insights, growth, and healing. We at Aspen Grove Counseling and Wellness are here to support you every step of the way. If you have more questions or are ready to take the next step, please reach out. Your journey, your pace. We're here for you.

Click here to schedule your free 15-minute free phone consultation with one of our Decatur therapists.

Or give us a call at 770-954-5476, or email us at, and we’d be happy to hear what is happening and direct you to the right person to help.

At Aspen Grove Counseling and Wellness in Decatur some of our specialties include: anxiety therapy, grief and loss, depression therapy, couples therapy, substance abuse and addictions, workshops for new parents, and pregnancy/postpartum therapy.

Kayla Burch, MFT

As a marriage and family therapist, Kayla offers compassionate and insightful care to both individuals and couples. She has a particular passion for working with women during the perinatal period and supporting them throughout their parenting journey. In addition to her professional role, Kayla is a devoted wife and mother of four.

Finding Strength in Unexpected Places: Navigating New Motherhood with a Surprising Ally